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What Boise Wholesalers Need to Know About Transactional Funding

What do you know about transactional funding? Wholesalers often locate deals with motivated sellers who agree with the arrangement. The wholesaler then locates an end buyer, making a slight profit without being involved in the actual transaction. However, there are cases in which this isn’t always an option; for example, no assignment clauses often force … Continued

How to Build a Boise Real Estate Portfolio Even if You Have Bad Credit

Time is money, which is especially true when discussing real estate investments. Don’t let your current financial status affect your future. While you can attain financing from sources other than conventional lenders, you should constantly strive to repair any damage to your credit as you build your portfolio and increase your monthly cash flow. If … Continued

What Boise Real Estate Investors Need to Know About Hard Money Loans

Real estate offers portfolio diversity, and with careful planning and following a strategy, investors can build great wealth and financial freedom. Diversity can protect you from economic downturns in any one sector of the market, and real estate allows investors to live out their golden years on their terms, doing what they enjoy. In addition, … Continued

3 Actions to Take if You Have An Expired Listing Agreement in Boise

When a listing lingers on the market, sellers experience a long road of hopeful anticipation followed by disappointment as the days, weeks, and months pass. As a result, plans for the future must hold, and stress levels have likely risen as costs for holding onto the property continue to roll in like the tides. Furthermore, … Continued

How to Handle Liens and Tax Problems When Selling Your House in Boise

When you have a lien on your home from tax debt, your increasing penalties and interest are likely adding pressure to your situation.  Because tax debts continue to climb as time passes, taking quick action will save whatever equity remains and remove the dark cloud that lingers over your head. Whatever you do, don’t try … Continued

How to Sell a House With Cloudy Title in Boise

Liens, judgments, title issues, or encumbrances can cause a cloudy or defective title because it makes it difficult to discern the proper owner. In addition, a cloudy or defective title creates issues if you need to sell your home because most buyers use traditional lenders to attain a mortgage. When buyers qualify for a loan, … Continued

3 Reasons Why You Should Downsize Your House in Boise

There is a trend toward smaller homes for many reasons, including people having smaller families with less focus on owning things and more on personal development, travel, and outdoor activity. And as time passes, our needs change; if you’re using a small percentage of your home to live in, there is no longer a need … Continued
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